Tuesday 12 May 2009

Bible Book:

"When they arrived, they called the church together and related all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles." (v.27)

Acts 14:19-28 Tuesday 12 May 2009


Paul and Barnabas' ministry shows the most incredible ups anddowns. No sooner had they almost been worshipped as gods than theyare stoned and Paul is left for dead. It is no wonder that laterPaul acknowledges "It is through many persecutions that we mustenter the kingdom of God".

Despite the most ferocious attacks and opposition, Paul andBarnabas continue to proclaim the good news about Jesus. But notethat the missionary task involves more than preaching saving faith,it also involves discipling the new believers and planting achurch.

It is noteworthy that during this time believers are rarely called'Christians' but frequently 'disciples' - the word is used fourtimes in this passage. The new believers are called to becomedisciples of Christ. This implies both an intimate relationshipwith Christ and lifelong learning. It is not enough to be 'saved'but the new believer must learn, grow and become mature inChrist.

In every place where people come to faith in Christ, themissionaries appoint leaders of the new church. This follows thepattern of the Jewish synagogue which is led by a group of elders -those mature in both age and faith. The choice of leaders is amatter for prayer and fasting.

Eventually, at the end of their first missionary journey, Paul andBarnabas arrive back at their 'sending' church in Antioch (insouthern Turkey) and give a full report of all that happened. Notehow Luke phrases the report: "they ... related all that God haddone with them, and how he had opened a door of faith for theGentiles". Not what they had done, but what God had done!Essentially they understand their missionary endeavour to be God'swork in which they are privileged to participate!

To Ponder

Why do you suppose that believers who are activein their faith are persecuted? How does persecution affectthem?

What do you think it means to become a 'disciple'of Christ?

Do you think plural leadership (several leaders)is helpful for the life of the local church? If so, how can this bepractised in today's Church?

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