Tuesday 13 November 2012

Bible Book:

"Rise up, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I will give it to you." (v. 17)

Genesis 13:1-18 Tuesday 13 November 2012


Abram and Lot continue to travel together, moving their tents,their flocks, herds and wealth through the Negeb, eventually endingup near Bethel. The herdsmen of Lot and Abram begin to argue,possibly over grazing areas and it seems to have been amicablydecided that the time has come for Abram and Lot to separate.

It is only later after Lot has moved on into a well watered landtowards Sodom that we are told of the Lord speaking again to Abram.The suggestion is that Abram was now alone in following the way ofthe Lord.

The promise of the Lord remains, that the land will be given toAbram and his offspring. 

Psalm 44 reminds us of the big story as we lookback on our history, as individuals and as God's people. Sometimeswe may have felt led, experienced hope and blessing, other timesmay have brought complaints and sensed unease at the situation wefind ourselves in, but above all there is a wondering about God'sactivity and action in our lives. Has God really been there for us?The final call is a heartfelt honest cry for God to wake up andrespond in love.

To Ponder

  • It is often easier to believe in the promises of the Lord whentimes are going well and perhaps harder when we are going throughdifficult life experiences. What promises of the Lord are importantto you and have kept you on your life journey?
  • Abram's journey so far is a mix of ease and unease, changingcircumstances through different experiences. What can we learn fromhis story and Psalm 44 about God's ways in the world?
  • What would be your cry to God today? 
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