Tuesday 14 December 2010
"Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of heaven ahead of you. For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him; and even after you saw it, you did not change your minds and believe him." (vv. 31-32)
Today's reading follows on immediately from the passage welooked at
Despite refusing to answer their question (
We saw yesterday how the chief priests and elders were so keen tosave face in front of the crowds at the temple. But, in answeringJesus' seemingly harmless question they have shown themselves up tobe just like the disobedient son in the story.
Here Jesus stresses the importance of being real with God - nothiding behind false promises or vague aspirations that never cometo fruition. He doesn't care what you do or where you're from, aslong as your response to God's call is genuine. In God's eyes, theelders and chief priests were no better than tax collectors andprostitutes, despite their elevated position in society. Jesus'story illustrates that those on the fringes of society were willingto change their minds and respond to God's call. But the Jewishleaders had hardened their hearts and would not believe John'steachings, even after they experienced his ministry forthemselves.
But they had a lot to lose - for them to change their minds wouldhave been an enormous sacrifice, because following John ultimatelymeant following Jesus. Changing their minds like the obedient sonin the story would have meant public humiliation and loss of theirsocial standing. It would have meant admitting they were wrong.But, even harder, it would have meant taking a chance that thisJesus was who he claimed to be - not just another crazy prophet ormessianic wannabe. This would be a huge leap of faith. Perhapsthat's why it was easier for the tax collectors and prostitutes tofollow God's call - they really didn't have all that much to lose.But maybe if the chief priests and elders had focused less on whatwas at stake and more on what they stood to gain they might haveresponded differently.
To Ponder
How have you responded to God's call on yourlife?
When was the last time you changed your mindabout something important? What caused you to change it?