Tuesday 15 December 2009
"At that time I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve him with one accord." (v.9)
Zephaniah's message was a wake-up call to his people. Heprophesied to the kingdom of Judah during the reign of King Josiah(7th century BC) before Josiah began his great programme ofreligious reform. The two previous kings had brought the religionand morality of the nation to an all time low. Zephaniah himselfseems to have been of royal blood, tracing his ancestry back toHezekiah who was king 70 years earlier. He was also a contemporaryof Jeremiah, another Old Testament prophet.
Like the prophet Amos before him, Zephaniah challenges the popularview of the time that the 'day of the Lord' would bring blessing toGod's people and destruction to their enemies. He turns the tables,saying that it is God's people who will be judged and punished.This is because they have been unjust and worshipped religiousidols (chapter 1).
But there is an alternative, says the prophet. The people can avertdisaster if they turn to God and start to live by God's standards.This is their only hope. Otherwise, they will share the fate of thenations around them (chapter 2).
In chapter 3 Zephaniah turns his attention to Jerusalem, thenation's capital city and its pride and joy. Built by King David,Jerusalem was at the heart of Judah's religious and cultural life.The Temple, built by David's son and successor Solomon, was itscrowning joy. As such, it was thought to be untouchable.
Zephaniah condemns Jerusalem. All that is wrong with the nation hasits roots there: rebellion against God, religious corruption andsocial decay. God will act and the city will be wiped out, but notcompletely. A remnant of the humble and lowly will survive. God'slove will be poured out upon them and they will be changed from theinside out.
To Ponder
How do you think Zephaniah felt delivering thisdifficult message to his own people and the city where he himselflived?
How do you respond to criticism? How cancriticism be constructive?
Why do you think God only gave some of the peopleanother chance?