Tuesday 16 December 2008
They shall seek refuge in the name of the LORD." (v.12)
The short book of the prophet Zephaniah begins with adeclaration of God's destructive judgement on the world. It's noteasy reading! Zephaniah has announced that the day of the Lord iscoming, bringing with it darkness, distress, devastation, and moredarkness, and then he turns his attention to the surroundingnations - the enemies of God's people.
In today's passage, he addresses Jerusalem. Judah will not escapethe coming wrath. In fact, the sins of God's chosen people are evenworse, because God has spoken to them in a special way.
Zephaniah's ministry was most likely during the reign of KingJosiah, around the same time as the prophet Jeremiah. It ispossible that his words came before 621 BC, when Josiahrediscovered the book of the Law in the Temple and began his greatreform. As we can read in
Rewind several centuries to the story of the Tower of Babel (
Zephaniah's time is far removed from ours, but our world is notwithout the sin that brought God's anger in those days. Where isthe humble and lowly remnant that will save us?
Think of Jesus cleansing the Temple (
To Ponder
We sometimes shy away from the idea of a God whois angry at humanity. In the light of the hideous evils perpetratedagainst some of the most vulnerable people of this world, could weseriously worship a God who did not have anger at injustice?
Humility and lowliness seem to be key words inthis passage. To what extent does our worship of God always reflectthese characteristics?
Zephaniah ends on a very different note to whatit began with. Read for yourself