Tuesday 17 September 2024

But the Lord provided a large fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. (v. 17)

Jonah 1:11-17 Tuesday 17 September 2024

Psalm 100

Jonah is on a boat to Tarshish escaping the presence of the Lord when a storm begins (Jonah 1:1-10). Sailors on the ship continue to show respect for Jonah and his God by asking Jonah for advice about what they should do with him. Despite their fear, they are calm enough to have a conversation about the best way forward. Even when Jonah tells them to throw him into the sea, they first try to row to shore because they do not want to be guilty of his death. I find their care and compassion for Jonah quite remarkable when he is the cause of the danger in which they find themselves.

The sailors turn to prayer again (v. 14). This time they address their cries to Jonah’s God, not their own gods. When the storm ceases, they offer a sacrifice and make vows to the Lord (v. 16). They seem to have had a conversion experience because of what they have discovered about Jonah’s God.

Jonah, meanwhile, has been swallowed by a large fish, provided by the Lord (v. 17). It is commonly assumed to be a whale, but the word whale does not appear in the text. Jonah is in the belly of the fish for three days and nights. This has immediate resonances for Christians as Jesus rose from the dead after three days in the tomb. (see Matthew 12:40)

The gospels also relate how Jesus stilled a storm when the disciples in the boat with him were frightened of perishing (Mark 4:35-41). The detail of Jesus being asleep as the storm raged (v. 38) echoes yesterday’s passage (v. 6) when Jonah was also fast asleep as the wind threatened to break the boat apart.

To Ponder:

  • The theme for this week’s readings is 'God of Compassion'. What memories are evoked for you by the compassion and care which the sailors showed to Jonah?
  • What vows have you made to the Lord? What prompted them?
  • Have you ever missed something significant because you were asleep?

God of compassion, fill our hearts with the love which casts out fear, the peace which passes our human understanding, and the courage to reach out to others, even when they are the cause of our pain. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Nicola Vidamour
Nicola is the Director of Reflective Pastoral Supervision at Wesley House in Cambridge. She loves travel, tea, theatre and Taizé.

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