Tuesday 18 July 2017
- Bible Book:
- John
“The one who sent me is true” (v. 28)
Today's passage continues a narrativethat began at the chapter of chapter 7. Jesus had come down toJerusalem, even though he was something of a divisive figure amonghis contemporaries (John 7:12). Some figures in authority even wishto kill him (John 7:1), seemingly because he has claimedthat God is his ather (
Much of the debate in today's passagecentres on the question of whether or not Jesus is the Messiah(verses 26-27, 31). The term comes from Hebrew 'masiah', which istranslated into Greek as 'christos',from which we get the term'Christ'. Literally, it means one who has been anointed, as Davidwas by the prophet Samuel when God chose him to be king (
Towards the end of today's passage, thecrowd became confused as to what Jesus meant when he said he wasgoing somewhere they would not be able to find him (verse 34). Webelieve Jesus was referring to his ultimate ascension to heaven (
To Ponder
- How can you recognise someone who has been truly sent by God,and speaks on God's behalf?
- What sort of Messiah was Jesus?
- What can be learnt from the rejection of Jesus by hiscontemporaries?