Tuesday 18 June 2013

Bible Book:

Luke 13:20-21 Tuesday 18 June 2013


Jesus told lots of stories to try and help people understandwhat he meant by the kingdom of God. He wanted them to know thatGod was present and at work now in their lives. This image of awoman baking the essential bread for her family belongs with anumber of other images about amazing growth from tiny beginnings,or about the hidden and unexpected ways in which God works (eg Luke13:18-19). And, of course, it is about bread made thetraditional way, mixed by hand and left to prove, and kneaded againand again.

Jesus wanted people to move away from the idea that God's reignwould mean that God's faithful people would be in absolute charge,and that everything would be ok for them and it would not matter ifothers suffered as they themselves did in the past. In other words,that they would now be the conquerors with everybody elsedefeated.

The kingdom stories here are linked with a story of healing (Luke13:10-17), where Jesus speaks of a woman being "free" from herillness (v. 12). He is criticised (verse 14) for healing on theSabbath - the day set aside to be free of work. He reminds hiscritic that if the law allows essential work, how much more shouldit allow a woman, to whom he gives status as a "daughter ofAbraham" to be set free.

So he tells these stories and we are brought back to the hiddenaction suggested in these verses. Bread-makers will recognise thatvery small amounts of yeast have a massive effect in the rightcircumstances, even though kneading may be hard work. It is alsointeresting to be offered a female image of God at work.

To Ponder

  • How do you feel about this image of God at work in people'slives?
  • What work do you think God might be inviting you to share?
  • Are their parts of your life where you can sense God's hiddenactivity? What might be they be?

Monday 17 June 2013
Wednesday 19 June 2013