Tuesday 18 June 2024

He set his face to go to Jerusalem. (v. 51)

Luke 9:51-62 Tuesday 18 June 2024

Psalm 144

There is a change in physical direction by Jesus here but it's as if there is a change in tempo. The music has a more pronounced beat and we are being drawn towards the city. This is not a nice little city break that lies ahead. There won’t be any strolling past historic buildings and enjoying coffee shops. Rather it is Jesus directly facing the religious leaders of the day and the outcome of that will be his crucifixion. The disciples don’t yet fully grasp that, but they do know there has been a change and they are agitated. They aren’t made welcome in a Samaritan village and the disciples want to respond with violence. Jesus simply goes on to the next village where he is welcome. Then there are those who want to join with Jesus but have other more important priorities. Jesus is somewhat focused and rejects those who are half-hearted. Things are changing and the disciples are unsettled.

Jesus never says that being his follower will be fun. Indeed, we are reminded it involves taking up a cross (Matthew 16:24) and the lukewarm Christians in Laodicea got a fairly brutal rebuke (Revelation 3:16). Many of us could likely be described as comfortable Christians, and we know that while Jesus came to comfort the afflicted there is also a level of afflicting the comfortable. Jesus gave his all for us. Are we truly giving our all in response?

To Ponder:

  • Where are we half-hearted in our response to God?
  • How do we move from being comfortable Christians to passionate disciples?

Gracious God, forgive our partial response to the gospel. Forgive us for settling with where we are comfortable. Renew your passion within us, which will enable us to take new steps of faith, into the unknown.

Bible notes author: The Revd Dr Stephen Skuce
Stephen is the Superintendent of the North Western District of The Methodist Church in Ireland.

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