Tuesday 23 July 2024

"The Lord is my strength and my might, and he has become my salvation." (v. 2)

Exodus 15:1-21 Tuesday 23 July 2024

Psalm 25:1-7

Our reading today appears very psalm-like in its form and phrasing (compare it with Psalm 105). It is a hymn of praise. The Israelites have been set free from Pharaoh and Egypt. In chapter 14 we have the great promise of Moses “Do not be afraid. Stand firm, and see the deliverance the Lord will accomplish for you today” (14:13) and the promise was fulfilled when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea.

Israel is drawn to worship through this great song. It comes in two parts, firstly the Song of Moses (vs 1-19) and then the response from Miriam (vs 20-21). Both are giving glory to God for their salvation and the destruction of the Egyptian army (vs 1 and 21).

Whether this song comes immediately after the crossing of the Red Sea or is a later act remembering the Israelites' great rescue is debated. Whichever, it is an expression of thanksgiving and a response to God’s mighty act. I’m sure many can echo that in their own experience. What is important to note (and helps us to understand an important aspect of our own worship and liturgy) is that it helps with the interpretation and understanding of the act that has gone before. Without the song we miss the opportunity to identify and acknowledge God’s hand. It is the same today. We too need to pause, reflect and remember. Our worship individually and corporately is a vital and important aspect of our discipleship as we see how God redeems us and leads us into his promised land.

To Ponder:

  • How does your worship reflect God’s work in your life?
  • How does your worship help you to understand God’s response to your need?
  • What song will you sing today as a result of what happened yesterday?

Today, Lord, let me see your hand at work. Help me to understand your actions and to marvel in worship at your leading. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd David Newlove
David is Co-Superintendent in the North Cumbria Circuit. He is also an agricultural chaplain and he has been designated as the Mission Area Lead for Cumbria in the new North West England District.

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