Tuesday 24 September 2024

For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human. (v. 5)

Timothy 2:1-7 Tuesday 24 September 2024

Psalm 71:1-16

Today Paul's teaching becomes more practical. He spells out the need for prayer, not just for personal needs but more widely for people in power and for the world. He reminds readers that he has been appointed to pass on the message originally given to those living and walking with Jesus. As an apostle of the risen Christ, he wants to encourage all people to play a part through prayer and sharing the truth expressed through the life and words of Jesus: “For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself a ransom for all.” (vs 5-6)

I feel that these words are just as important for us to understand as for those hearing the words of Paul when the letter was written. Through our prayers for people, governments and the king, may the day come when the whole purpose of God’s creation might be fulfilled. May all people come together to enjoy the world as one family as was intended at the beginning of time.

The challenge comes in developing our prayer lives. We need to pray for more than just our own and our families' needs and include our wider neighbourhood. It is difficult often to move from an understanding of the world through our own experiences. However, through our prayers we can put ourselves in the shoes of faraway neighbours whom we are called to love through the commandments of Jesus. I must say, it is much easier to keep prayers personal and allow intercession to be part of church worship, but Paul here is calling us to broaden our thinking so that we play a part as builders of one world.

To Ponder:

  • Consider putting prayer time in your diary as a special time when you talk to God each day, regardless of what else might be a call on your time and energy.
  • Do you find yourself focusing your prayers on the people known to you, rather than seeing the needs of a much wider environment, as seems to be suggested by Paul?
  • Do you ever lay yourself before God in your prayers, so that God might give you energy through the Holy Spirit to live out your prayers?

Lord, as we turn away from the demands of the day, help us to come to you in quietness. Guide us in our prayers and point us towards people's needs, not only nearby but further afield where we can do the work of a disciple. Strengthen our reliance on the commandments of Jesus. May we not just lay ourselves in your hands, but spell out your love to all we meet. For we come in and through the name of Jesus. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Pat Billsborrow
Pat came into ministry 37 years ago and she has been a supernumerary for 18 years. She is happy to continue serving wherever she is needed.

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