Tuesday 25 March 2008
"And Miriam sang to them: 'Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; horse and rider he has thrown into the sea.'" (v.21)
What do you do when you need to remember something? Make amental note of it? Tie a knot in a handkerchief? Make a note of itin your diary? Ask other people to remind you? Of course the degreeof care with which you make sure you remember will vary accordingto how important you think the matter is.
After Moses and the Israelites have come safely through the RedSea, Miriam (Moses' older sister, who many years before sawPharaoh's daughter find her baby brother in the bulrushes) seems tohave composed a song to commemorate the event. That would certainlybe one way in which the corporate memory of the community could beretained. Parents would tell children, families would sing ittogether and tribes would share it on the march through the desert.Through the retelling of the story, no one would ever forget whatGod had done.
Whenever Christians share in Holy Communion (using the symbols ofbread and wine which Jesus shared with his disciples on the nightbefore his death -
It is important that we should remember what a mighty God we serve.As the psalmist writes in
To Ponder
Are there times when we have forgotten what amighty God we serve? Use this as an opportunity to bring thosetimes to God in prayer.
Who are the people who have helped our Christiangrowth by reminding us of what God can do? Here is a chance for youto give thanks to God for them.
We are not the only ones who remember. Psalm 111tells us, "He remembers his covenant for ever". God does not forgetthat we belong to God. Give thanks for that now.