Tuesday 26 June 2018
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (v. 34)
Psalm: Psalm 91
What matters most to you?
It was very hard when the consultant told me my mother only had months left to live. From this point onwards each moment we spent together was very precious. Suddenly replacing the worn out sofa in my lounge no longer mattered. What mattered most was people, especially being with those whom I loved.
In this passage, Jesus challenged the disciples to think about what mattered most to them. How were they to respond to the gift of the kingdom? What were their priorities in life? As the disciples followed Jesus they were called to make sacrifices by selling their possessions and giving to others in need. Their lifestyle changes liberated and released them as they experienced God’s transforming grace every day. What mattered most was the time they spent with God.
In Jesus’ story about the watchful slaves, God’s kingdom is portrayed as a hive of activity in which slaves were prepared to welcome their master at any hour. Hospitality mattered, the lamps were on and there was food to eat! In verse 35, slaves were to “be dressed for action”. This meant they literally drew up their long outer garment and tucked it into their sash around their waist to be prepared for vigorous activity. Jesus said these busy attentive slaves were blessed.
I learnt during my mum’s last few months to live in the moment. Together we rejoiced in the delights of God’s creation, such as hearing the noisy rain on the conservatory roof. Perhaps what Jesus really encouraged his disciples to do was to tread gently and hold lightly in life, trusting that God was with them. It mattered that they treasured their relationship with God and they actively expressed this through their care and attention to others.
To Ponder
- What matters most to you? Where do your priorities lie?
- Do you feel God asking you make any changes? If so, what might they be?
- How can we all share in the kingdom? If we have less, who can have more?