Tuesday 28 May 2024

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I, send me." (v. 8)

Isaiah 6:1-8 Tuesday 28 May 2024

Psalm 86:1-10

As with our passage from John's Gospel for Sunday, today's passage also is a set reading for Trinity Sunday.

If one word were to be chosen to express the sentiment at the heart of this passage it would be ‘awe'. Here we are presented with a holy God who has taken the initiative to address a normal human being – the weak and sinful prophet known here as Isaiah.

The prophet is portrayed as being paralysed by a sense of God’s power and his own, contrasting inadequacy: there's a great gulf of ‘otherness’. But this is not an ‘otherness’ of remoteness or unconcern – quite the contrary. Here God is shown as dependable and reliable in his dealings with humankind. This is a God of justice, love and compassion – whatever the circumstances.

In addition, this is a God who calls the people to live lives shot through with those same qualities that God shows so wonderfully.

The application of the burning coals to the prophet’s lips is a graphic illustration of the transforming power of God’s presence. The prophet is transformed to hear and understand the speech of God and in turn speak God’s words to bring the erring people back to God’s ways.

This is a well-known passage and a paradigm of God’s loving call to God's people throughout the generations.

To Ponder:

  • In your opinion what is it about this passage that makes it so memorable and powerful?
  • Many people in the Bible when called to be a spokesperson or prophet for God have suffered from what today is called ‘imposter syndrome’ – the feeling of inadequacy almost to the point of fraud. In your church life or at work have you ever been gripped by imposter syndrome?

Loving God, give us ears to hear your call on us and hearts to accept the assurance that those whom you call, you also equip. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Jennifer Potter
Jennifer is a supernumerary minister living in the Croydon Circuit. She works as a part-time chaplain at the local MHA (Methodist Home for the Aged). She was previously a minister at Wesley’s Chapel in London.

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