Tuesday 30 April 2013

Bible Book:

Mark 4:26-29 Tuesday 30 April 2013


This is one of Jesus' many parables linked withagriculture, and would have been ideal in a culture where manywould have grown their own food, or have had knowledge of wheretheir food comes from. This parable is about how the kingdom of Godis grown by God's hand. The use of the parable explains how thekingdom of God grows through human activities. However, even withthe use of a farming analogy there is an element of faith required.When the seed is planted it can be a while before the results areseen by human eyes, and even then there are external uncontrollableelements. Growing crops can be scary - it requires patience andhard work. And even within this process over which people have verylittle control, there is a constant need for watchfulness, regularcare and hope.

We also can see that in the world there are plantsthat are never planted by human hands. The kingdom of heaven willgrow without people's hands. God chooses to use us to grow thekingdom as we have been given responsibility to look after theearth. God has also given a similar responsibility in mission andgrowing the kingdom of heaven. There are situations where only Godcan plant seeds.

The kingdom of God may not always seem to growquickly in our eyes, and sometimes it will grow in a manner that wemay not understand. But it grows by God's power alone. It requirestime, patience and steady work, however ultimately it requireshaving faith in the master of all creation that the kingdom willgrow by God's hand, because of or in-spite of what we do.

To Ponder

  • Where can you see the kingdom of God growing?
  • How can you nurture growth in those around you?
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