Tuesday 30 August 2022

Bible Book:

Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. (vs 4-5)

Revelation 1:4-18 Tuesday 30 August 2022

 Psalm 37:1-11


The book of Revelation is the report of a vision received by John of Patmos and it was addressed to seven churches in what is now western Turkey (verse 4). The readings for the rest of the week will consist of the specific letters written to each one of them. Here in chapter one though is an introduction explaining the context for the vision revealed to John.

Verses 4-8 serve as a helpful reference point if ever you feel a bit lost and confused later on in the book of Revelation – and most readers do experience this! I always return here to this short summary statement of the essential truth that is being revealed about Jesus Christ. There are a number of points here of why Jesus is significant, which are worth spending some time thinking about. Within this list, the followers of Jesus are referred to as a kingdom of priests serving God. Those who follow Jesus are called to lead the worship of God, and to help others join in.

John of Patmos then explains how the vision came to him while he was "in the spirit on the Lord’s day". The description of ‘the one like the Son of Man’ draws on imagery from the book of Daniel in the Old Testament (chapters 7 and 9). As elsewhere in the Bible, such visions are difficult to understand, and the figures and creatures in them difficult to identify, but by verses 17-18 it becomes clear that it is Jesus speaking to John.

Often Jesus and other messengers from God begin with the words, "Do not be afraid". The reason for reassurance here is that Jesus who was dead is now alive for ever. Although we do not know the details, from verse 9 we know that John, and other Christians he knows, are suffering persecution. Life for the early Christians within the Roman Empire was very tough at times. Being confident that they had a saviour who had overcome even death was essential to their faith when under such pressure.


To Ponder:

  • How do you think John felt to receive a vision like this?
  • In what ways might we be like 'a kingdom of priests' today?


Loving God, we pray for people who are being persecuted. May they be granted a vision of your strength and love to sustain them through hard times. Amen.


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