Tuesday 7 January 2025

In our prayers for you we always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. (vs 3-5)

Colossians 1:1-14 Tuesday 7 January 2025

Psalm 103

Commentaries tell us that Colossae was an important city in the valley of the River Lycus in Phrygia. It had a thriving wool and textile industry, and a dark red dye for wool was named after the city. However, by early Christian times, it had become somewhat overshadowed by the neighbouring city of Laodicea. There was a sizeable Jewish community in the city.

The opinion of most commentators is that this letter was not actually written by Paul, but by someone close to him. The language is not Pauline and much of the thinking is similar to that of the Letter to the Ephesians, which is also believed not to have been written by Paul. That said, the writer of this letter clearly knows the community well – take a look at the names in the final verses of the letter – men and women for whom he prays, for whom he has appreciation and affection. (Given the time and social circumstances, it is reasonable to suppose the writer is a man.)

Community letters were a familiar feature in Jewish society. Important information was carried, ‘couriered’, as it were, from one community to another, often by someone travelling that way. Letters addressed to a specific group might be passed on to another group for interest and reference. Luke, for example, records Paul as carrying letters to Damascus (Acts 9:2), albeit letters of personal reference.

Saint Irenaeus, the second-century theologian, is credited with saying "The glory of God is a human being fully alive!" Clearly, the writer to the Christians in Colossae sees something of the glory of God in them – and he is thankful!

To Ponder:

  • Do I take the time to give thanks for my friends and for those who inspire me in the faith?
  • Might I consider writing a list of these folk to remind me to pray for them?

Open my heart, Lord, that I may be thankful for my friends and for what I see of God in them. Amen.

Bible notes author: Gillian Kingston
Gillian Kingston is a local preacher on the North Tipperary Circuit of the Methodist Church in Ireland and an ex-Vice President of the World Methodist Council. She was the first lay Leader of the Conference of the Methodist Church in Ireland. Married to Tom, a retired Methodist minister, and with four adult children, she is also the besotted grandmother of seven beautiful granddaughters and one handsome grandson.

Monday 6 January 2025
Wednesday 8 January 2025