Wednesday 01 May 2013

Bible Book:

John 14:1-14 Wednesday 1 May 2013


Today's passage can be entitled "Jesus the Way tothe Father". It comes after Jesus shares that Peter would denyJesus (John 13:36-38) and one of his disciples wouldbetray Jesus to his death (John 13:21-30).This must have been a troubling conversation for the disciples. Butnow we can see Jesus attempting to soothe the hearts of hisdisciples, however, even in this they question who Jesus is and askof more proof of his divine nature. This is one of the key passagesin the Bible from which many theologians say the concept of God theFather and God the Son being one comes.

The final commandment of this passage is that "ifin my name you ask for anything I will do it". This moves towards aview of the Trinity (God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Jesushas been sharing that he will not be around forever yet here hepromises help to his followers; he promises them that they willhave the same ability to be able to do his work in his name. Thedisciples are having a moment of doubt about all that is happeningaround them and what it will mean to them. They have seen the worksof what Jesus has been doing and now he says he will be going.

Jesus, even though confronted with doubt of thepeople that are following him, still promises the disciples hispower if they believe in him and continue his work. The promisethat those who glorify God will have the power that Jesus commands.But even more than that if the disciples are working in the name ofJesus, then even more power will be given. Here is a giant promisefor the disciples who doubted who Jesus was.

To Ponder

  • What troubles can you give to Jesus?
  • Are there times when we feel we want Jesus to prove himself tous? What were/are they? What happened?
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