Wednesday 02 April 2008
"Then Gideon said to God, 'Do not let your anger burn against me, let me speak one more time; let me, please, make trial with the fleece just once more; let it be dry only on the fleece, and on all the ground let there be dew'". (v.39)
The Israelite leader Gideon struggled against human expectations- not least his own. He didn't believe the angel who told him thatGod had appointed him to lead the Israelite nation. Gideon pointedout that that he was the smallest of his family, which belonged tothe weakest clan of the most insignificant of the twelve tribes ofIsrael (Judges6:15). Hardly an auspicious start. But this meant nothing toGod - God had chosen Gideon.
Now Gideon was about to fight the Midianites. He is nervous aboutthe coming battle, due, no doubt, to the fact that there are135,000 Midianite warriors against his 300 men.
Though Gideon knows that he has been commissioned by God, he wantssome assurance of victory in the imminent battle, so he asks Godfor a sign.
In Old Testament times, it was common practice to collect water byleaving a fleece outside overnight and squeezing the dew from it inthe morning. For his sign, Gideon asks God to soak the fleece heleaves out overnight, but leave the ground around it dry.
God gives Gideon his sign, but straight away Gideon doubts. Maybethis was just a natural occurrence…? Somehow the ground dried outbefore the fleece…? Perhaps this isn't God…?
So Gideon then asks for another sign, and this time, asks God toleave the fleece dry and the ground wet. Again, God grants themiracle. This time Gideon is satisfied that this is indeed a sign,and with this assurance, he and the Israelites go on to defeat theMidanites.
This passage shows that God is patient and merciful when we areweak. God strengthens us when our faith fails us and will not letus down when we seek to do God's will.
To Ponder
Does the story of Gideon mean that it is OK toask God for a sign when we are unsure?
How do you feel about asking God for a sign?
Do you feel you have ever been granted a signfrom God? How did you react?