Wednesday 03 June 2009

Bible Book:
1 Peter

"You know that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish." (v.18-19)

1 Peter 1:18-25 Wednesday 3 June 2009


In this passage, the writer is explaining to Christians readersthat since they have made God their father, they should live theirlives as if this earth was not their permanent residence. They hada home prepared for them elsewhere. Their life was like a journeythat was travelled with a deep consciousness of Godthroughout.

The life of every person will be reviewed and judged by God'sstandard at the coming of the Lord Jesus - what Christians call the'second coming' (Matthew 25:31-46).Readers are instructed to put their hope in heavenly things thatwill not perish. Earthly things, which are temporary, will vie fortheir attention, but they are to shun and ignore them.

Similarly, Christians today face many daily demands for theirattention, but like the Christians of old, they should obey thetruth of the word of God.

The salvation of humankind, which is the redemption of the sinfulnature inherent in man, was brought about as a result of the deathof Jesus Christ. Humankind's forgiveness cost the precious blood ofJesus Christ. "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin,so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." (2Corinthians 5:21)

The writer of 1 Peter paints a picture of an innocent Jesus, withno blemish, who chose to lay down his life for humanity. Victorywas purchased for everyone. "He disarmed the rulers and authoritiesand made a public example of them, triumphing over them in it."(Colossians 2:15)

The faith and hope of a Christian should be in God. The earlyChristians were instructed to show sincere love for each another -a heartfelt love that was deep and pure. Christ was sacrificed inlove, and the heart of Christianity is rooted in love.

Only the word of God will live and endure forever, for the glory ofman, as the flower, will fade away. This word is what was, and is,being preached today.

To Ponder

Is there any sin that the blood of Jesus has notmade provision for?

How far can a person still live in purity inthese times that we are in?

What does the blood of Jesus mean to you?

Is there anything that is too much to give up fora better relationship with God?

Tuesday 02 June 2009
Thursday 04 June 2009