Wednesday 03 November 2010

Bible Book:

"For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (v.13)

Philippians 2:12-18 Wednesday 3 November 2010


In his introduction to Philippians, Eugene Peterson (author ofthe modern English translation The Message) says, "This is Paul'shappiest letter. And the happiness is infectious. Before we've reada dozen lines, we begin to feel the joy ourselves; the dance ofwords and the exclamations of delight have a way of getting insideus."

The closing verses of today's passage certainly convey that sensejoy and happiness Peterson is talking about. That feeling ofhappiness is all the more remarkable when we consider the Paul'scircumstances when he wrote this epistle. For a start, Paul was injail. He spent two years in a Roman prison - either late in theyear AD61, or early 62. And knowing that Paul was in financialhardship, the Philippian church had sent him gifts via a messenger,Epaphroditus. This epistle was, amongst other things, Paul's thankyou note back.

Paul's tone in today's passage is very much one of a doting fathertalking to his children. At times it seems as if he is worriedabout his reputation as a minister, and how it would reflect on himif the people in his care don't behave properly, or put intopractice what they have been taught by him (verse 16). Ultimately,though, Paul isn't worrying about his reputation, but ratheracknowledging how intertwined his life has become with that of thepeople in his care.

To Ponder

What do you think it means to "work out your ownsalvation with fear and trembling" (verse 12)?

In verse 14, Paul urges the Philippians to "doall things without murmuring and arguing". How do you differentiatebetween dealing with disagreements and conflicts between people,and "murmuring and arguing"?

If you are in a position of authority over otherpeople, to what extent do you take pride in their progress?

Tuesday 02 November 2010
Thursday 04 November 2010