Wednesday 03 October 2007

Bible Book:

"But Jesus, aware of their inner thoughts, took a little child and put it by his side, and said to them, 'Whoever welcomes this child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me; for the least among all of you is the greatest'". (v.47-48)

Luke 9:43b-48 Wednesday 3 October 2007


Earlier, in Luke 9, Jesus hasasked his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter answered,"The Messiah of God". Immediately Jesus warns that he will berejected and killed and that those who wish to follow him will needto tread a similarly costly path. 

We then have the story of Jesus appearing on the mountain top, withhis face changed and his clothes dazzling white. He is seenspeaking with Moses and Elijah and a voice is heard from the cloudsaying, "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!" 

On coming down from the mountain, Jesus heals a boy thought to bepossessed by an 'unclean spirit'. And, we are told, "all wereastounded at the greatness of God". But in the midst of all thisamazement and glory Jesus again warns that he is to be betrayedinto human hands. But even his disciples did not or could notunderstand what he was saying. 

Jesus is turning upside down people's understanding of greatnessand they find it hard to accept. So he illustrates it by placing achild in their midst - who at the time would have been thought tohave little status and few rights. "The least among all of you isthe greatest" - and "the greatest" will be rejected, betrayed andkilled.

To Ponder

How would you define greatness? Who would youdescribe as great and why?

The disciples struggled to come to terms withJesus' redefining of greatness. Why was that - and in what ways dopresent day followers of Christ continue to struggle with it?

Jesus said, "The son of Man came not to be servedbut to serve". What opportunities do you take to serve 'the least'in your midst?

Tuesday 02 October 2007
Thursday 04 October 2007