Wednesday 05 January 2011

Bible Book:

"Come and see" (v. 46)

John 1:43-51 Wednesday 5 January 2011


There is a recurring pattern in this Gospel's stories of thefirst disciples. They seem to be people already on the lookout forsomething or someone important, so that when they come across Jesusthey say "we have found him" (verse 45). Having found Jesus, theythen tell someone else about him and invite them to "come and see"for themselves. As a result of seeing and meeting Jesus, the newrecruit also makes the decision to follow. 

Other people's descriptions can never be as good as when we seesomething for ourselves. So when Philip has aroused Nathaniel'sinterest in this person Jesus, so that Nathaniel starts askingquestions, Philip says "Come and see". 

Many words have been written about the possible meanings of theword 'see'. It can be simply what people's eyes do. But, in adeeper sense it can also be about understanding and realisation,like when someone explains something complicated to us and suddenlythe light dawns so we say 'I see!' 

Here in John's Gospel, in the presence of Jesus who is the light ofthe world, again and again people really begin to see. In John9:1-12 there is the story of the healing of the blind man,which hints at various meanings of the word 'see'. And John4:1-42 has the story of Jesus' meeting with the Samaritanwoman, in which she comes to 'see' things in a totally new lightand wants other people to come and meet the person who can dothis. 

To Ponder

What first interested you in the person ofJesus?

How did you follow up that initial interest?

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