Wednesday 07 June 2023

Bible Book:

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I; send me!' (v. 8)

Isaiah 6:1-8 Wednesday 7 June 2023

Psalm 73


This is a wonderful and mysterious passage that acts as a ‘flashback’ scene – taking us back to when Isaiah was called for his prophetic ministry (or, more accurately, when he volunteered!). Isaiah is one of the most important prophets of the Old Testament, and the ministry contained in his book is believed to cover several centuries (it was possibly written by three authors, following in the tradition of the original Isaiah). It is a book of severe judgement on God’s people (especially the first 39 chapters) and yet this judgement is followed by hope and promise of redemption and renewal.

Isaiah recalls how he was caught up in the majesty and awe of his extraordinary vision. He became aware of his sinfulness but God enabled his sin to be ‘blotted out’ in an act that we might describe as sacramental: where the physical act of the coal on his lips was infused with meaning when accompanied with God’s own mercy and proclamation. Once his lips had been cleansed, Isaiah was able to hear the holy call of God, and he answered enthusiastically, offering himself in service.

Isaiah’s task was difficult, and the message he had to proclaim caused him to wrestle with God’s purposes. It wasn’t all about God’s love and blessing! There were some very hard things to declare, and in the end God’s judgement fell on the people. What was important to God, in relationship with God's people, was that God didn’t bring judgement without first giving many years of warning and opportunity for repentance. It’s fair to say that Isaiah may well have often regretted volunteering.

In all of this, there's sense of God allowing us a glimpse of God's glory, touching us with grace, and inviting us into God's wonderful and often inexplicable purposes. When we think about God as ‘Trinity’, 'a holy, holy, holy' community of love, it is this constant inviting in which can bring both immeasurable joy and awesome challenge, as God asks “Whom shall I send?”


To Ponder:

  • Isaiah was caught up in worship and answered the call of God. How important is it that our churches are places where people can hear and respond to God’s call? 
  • Have you ever volunteered for something and then regretted it? Or have you had an unexpected sense of satisfaction, that it was worth it in the end?
  • In times of worship, do you ever experience a strong awareness of your sins and mistakes? How do you find the knowledge of God’s forgiving grace? How do Father, Son and Holy Spirit all play a part in this?
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