Wednesday 08 July 2009
"Now Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, 'Why are you staring at one another?' He said, 'Behold, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down there and buy some for us from that place, so that we may live and not die'." (42:1-2)
This passage comes near the end of the famous Joseph story.Jacob's family has grown, Joseph has become the 'technicolour'favourite and been sold into slavery by his brothers, and nowJacob's tribe is so large that it is eating itself into famine inCanaan.
It must have been a very large group of people (perhaps into thethousands) that travelled into Egypt, the old oppressor - but thesource of food, as it has always been. Jacob, without realising theconsequences says, "I have heard that there is grain inEgypt".
Reading these words today, I am reminded of the sales rush createdby many companies at times of recession. Also of the words perhapsspoken by economic migrants - "I have heard that there is a betteropportunity...", whether it be in Britain, Italy, France or theUnited States. But "I have heard" is dangerous because it is notbacked up by experience. In this story however, the hand of God iscrafting eternity for humanity's salvation.
In the meantime, Joseph (by now a leader of the Egyptians),recognises his family amongst the many thousands who flocked intoEgypt for food. Simeon's capture as a hostage (one of Jacob's othersons) is crafted by Joseph; it is the beloved brother wanting toreach out to his family. But Joseph, by now, is overcome withemotion and wants to disclose his true identity, but he resists ashow of the power he has over the brothers and sends them backhome. It seems that hunger has transformed Joseph's brothers intobeggars, and transformed Joseph into a humbler being than the boywho used to brag about his dreams (
To Ponder
The old arrogant, as well as a much humbler,Joseph can be seen throughout this extraordinary story. Can youtrace both in today's reading?
Joseph recognised his brothers but did not makehimself known; the brothers recognised their wrong but did not ownup to it. In the meantime, their father Jacob's grief continues.Who do you think should take the first step towards reconciling awrong?