Wednesday 09 March 2016

Bible Book:

“Again you shall plant vineyards on the mountains of Samaria; the planters shall plant, and shall enjoy the fruit.” (v. 5)

Jeremiah 31:1-7 Wednesday 9 March 2016

Psalm: Psalm 53


The prophet Jeremiah was bringing hope to people who had seenJerusalem destroyed and who had been carried off into captivity.Yet he brought hope not just of a return home to Jerusalem torebuild the city and the Temple at Mount Zion, but also of a returnto an earlier time: a reuniting of God's people in true worship atZion (verse 6).

1 Kings 12 gives this background. On KingSolomon's death, ten of the twelve tribes of Israel had refused toaccept the even harsher regime promised by his son Rehoboam when heascended the throne. These ten breakaway tribes formed the northernkingdom of Israel with a former court official, Jeroboam, as theirking. Butpoliticalseparation also broughtreligiousseparation.Jeroboam knew that if his people still returned to Jerusalem forreligious festivals at the temple, Rehoboam would benefit. SoJeroboam set up rival worshipping centres at the northern andsouthern limits of his kingdom, at the ancient holy places ofBethel (Genesis 12:8) and Dan (Judges18:29-31). However, not only did he introduce his ownfestivals, but he also reintroduced idols and child sacrifice. Itwas this blasphemy which caused God to reject Israel and permit theAssyrians to conquer them (2Kings 17:13-18).

So it is significant that verse 1 speaks ofallthe families ofIsrael once more being accepted by God - even those of Israel whohad worshipped other gods. Verse 2 is a reminder of the rebellion(and forgiveness) of God's children, "Ephraim", in the wildernessas God saved them from Egypt (Hosea11:1-6; Deuteronomy 1:30-33). The Ephraim of whichJeremiah speaks (verse 6) is part of the northern kingdom (Jeroboamhad been an Ephraimite) - so it is most significant that people arebeing called from there to go and worship once more at Mount Zion.Even Samaria, the seat of Israel's capital (first Shechem thenTirzah), will be so peaceful that all God's people will plant cropsthere (for war prevents farming). The 'remnant' (v. 7) refers tothe few who choose to answer this call and return to faithfulworship of God in the rebuilt Jerusalem, as Israel once morereturns to the purity of a virgin (v. 4). Their temporary exile isreplaced by the "everlasting love" of God (v. 3).

To Ponder

  • We still live in a world of religious separation. What do youthink is needed in order to reconcile people who all seek to servethe same God, and who still focus their religious thoughts on MountZion, but do so in different ways? What is your part in this?
  • How have you personally experienced the forgiveness of God when(perhaps childishly?) you have failed to be faithful to God's callon your life?
  • War lays waste to so much and still restricts food supplies. Aswe currently (in 2016!) hear of besieged Syrians starving to deathas they literally face the sword what practical steps might youpersonally take to help them?
Tuesday 08 March 2016
Thursday 10 March 2016