Wednesday 1 January 2025
And he was called Jesus... (v. 21)
What’s in a name? Our given names are usually a lifelong gift from our parents. They often say something about the interests, families, fancies and even hopes of the adults concerned. In many cultures given names speak of particular beliefs and traditions, or simply the preciousness of the gift that is a newborn child.
For Mary and Joseph, following Jewish tradition, their son would need to be circumcised on the eighth day after his birth. At a point in that ceremony the parents would need to give him a name. We can only imagine the conversation between Mary and Joseph. Both would surely refer back to their respective angelic visits before the birth – Mary (Luke 1:31) and Joseph (Matthew 1:21) – and decide that Jesus had to be his name. Is this son a gift from God, or lent by God for a season? Either way, such a responsibility.
In Hebrew the name would have been 'Yeshua' (Joshua), but through a series of translations from Hebrew to Greek, to Latin and even Germanic languages, the name 'Jesus' is used by English-speakers. Even if the spelling changes in different languages, the meaning of the name does not. It is a name of huge significance: it means 'God saves' or 'God is salvation'. As the angel said to Joseph: “You are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”(Matthew 1:21)
So the life of Jesus is foretold in his name. This tiny infant is destined to become a spiritual leader for billions of people in future years. This newborn infant holds within him the power of God, the seeds of divinity, the authority of love in a world that so badly needs to be saved from its own self-destruction.
If only the human race would come to its senses and work together for the common good; if only we could all fully understand, in everyday living, what it means to forgive and to be forgiven; if only we could love one another and know that we are loved in return; if only we all could trust in eternal values and not be disappointed.
What’s in a name? In the name 'Jesus' is the hope of the world. May we all see signs of hope in 2025.
To Ponder:
- 'Happy New Year'. What are we wishing for each other as we say these words?
- The Indonesian writer Toba Beta said "Love without hope will not survive, love without faith changes nothing. Love gives power to hope and faith.” Do you agree?
- Give thanks for Jesus who embodied faith, hope and love.
In this coming year, in this coming day, I will be alongside others. May I call them by name and look them in the eye. Help me to listen well, to begin to understand their deepest needs, and only speak if and when it is in any way helpful. Amen.
Bible notes author: Michael King
Michael is a Methodist local preacher in Salisbury and was Vice-President of the Conference in 2012/2013.