Wednesday 10 March 2010
- Bible Book:
- John
"The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (v.23-24)
Jesus and his disciples are travelling from Galilee to Jerusalemin Judea, for which the quickest route lies through Samaria. Forreasons far back in history the Jewish people had as little aspossible to do with the Samaritans, as verse 9 indicates. A Jewishteacher, or any Jewish man who sought to live a holy life, wouldalso seek to avoid speaking to a woman.
But Jesus breaks these taboos in the most thoroughgoing way, notonly asking to drink from the woman's bucket, but offering herwater only he can give that will quench her thirst for ever! Whilstshe does not initially understand, and changes the subject whenJesus brings up the issue of her rather colourful private life,before long they are deep in discussion about God, and Jesusreveals himself as the Messiah - God's chosen agent - whom bothJews and Samaritans expected to come.
Her presence at the well in the heat of the day may well suggestthat her lifestyle rendered her something of an outcast with herfellow townsfolk. But she can't help but go and invite them all tocome and meet Jesus, and in the last verse of the passage many ofthem come to believe for themselves that Jesus is the world'ssaviour.
This is one of a number of stories that show Jesus proving ablessing to people whom we might describe as 'beyond the fringe'.Verses 31-38 show that the disciples were puzzled by it all andJesus tries to win them over to his perspective and his mission.The idea in verse 32 that the real food (like the real water Jesusoffered the woman) is something other than bodily nourishment is atheme Jesus will expand later in this Gospel in terms of the breadof life (see chapter 6).
To Ponder
In verse 6 we read that Jesus was tired out bytravel. How easy do you find it to appreciate that Jesusexperienced normal human feelings like tiredness, thirst orsadness? What does this aspect of Jesus' experience say to you?
Jews and Samaritans disagreed over the best placeto worship God. Where do you find you can best do so? How do youunderstand Jesus' response to the debate found in verses 23-24which is quoted at the top of the page?
The woman was eager to share what she haddiscovered from her meeting with Jesus. What have you learned inyour spiritual quest which you couldn't wait to share withsomebody? How did they respond?