Wednesday 12 December 2007
- Bible Book:
- Matthew
"You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil?" (v.34)
The image of Jesus as meek and mild has for a long time beenseen as wrong and this passage demonstrates why! Jesus has justhealed a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute. The Phariseestalking among themselves accredit the miracle to Satan. Hearingthis, Jesus launched into his attack against them…
The Pharisees who assume a religious authority think they can passjudgement upon what is and isn't of God's working. They representproper religious belief yet cannot see God is at work in the lifeof Christ. It is those who uphold the religious institution thatblock the way of the Lord.
As with the Pharisees, it is always a challenge to Christians inevery time and place to keep up with God who is at work in theworld. God should not, cannot, and will not be contained by therules and regulations that humans (and especially the Church) tryto impose. As we prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ, thechallenge is to let go of our religious prejudices and ourunderstanding of how God is 'supposed' to be working.
This passage shows us that Jesus broke the rules and stretched theboundaries. Even though the Church may struggle keep up, the way ofthe Lord is hearing and answering the cry of those who need him.Far from being frightening this makes the walk of faith anadventure as we follow God to places we thought we would nevergo.
To Ponder
Have you ever felt constrained or restricted byreligious rules?
Have you ever found it hard to understandsomething that God has done? In what way has hindsight made adifference to your understanding?
In the areas and communities you are part of,where do you see God at work in spite of his Church?