Wednesday 13 January 2010
- Bible Book:
- 1 Samuel
"Speak, for your servant is listening." (v.10)
The story has moved on from
Everything seems rather gloomy. God did not seem to be speaking tothe people, or perhaps they were not listening. There were novisions either. But Samuel was obviously accepted in Shiloh, as hewas sleeping in the holiest part of the temple.
During the night Samuel hears God three times - although he doesn'trealise it at the time. It requires three trips to check if it isthe old priest Eli who is calling him. Eli eventually realises thatit is God who has chosen to speak to the young Samuel.
The message from God was a hard one for Samuel to pass on to Eli,whose own family was being judged severely. But Eli was trustingenough to demand that Samuel tells him what God had said. AndSamuel was obedient to God, and to Eli, in passing on God'sword.
Samuel became known throughout the land as a prophet who did indeedspeak God's word.
To Ponder
Can you think of times when you might not haverecognised that God was calling you?
Samuel found it difficult to tell Eli about God'smessage. Do you find it difficult to say what you know to be right?How do you handle that feeling?