Wednesday 13 March 2013

Bible Book:

Luke 6:17-19 Wednesday 13 March 2013


Today's passage marks the introduction to what has become knownas 'the Sermon on the Plain' and what follows is a long sectiondescribing Jesus' teaching. However Luke's Gospel has already madeit clear that Jesus' teaching ministry goes hand in hand with hishealing ministry, hence the focus on healing before his teachingbegins.

Not only has he already described the healing of Simon Peter'smother-in-law (Luke 4:38-39) but also that of a man with anunclean spirit (Luke 4:33-35), a man with leprosy (Luke5:12-14), another who was bed-bound (Luke5:18-25) and a man with a withered hand (Luke6:6-10). At a time when there was little or no understandingabout the illness and disease that affected many people, and withno health services as we understand them today, it is no surprisethat Jesus' reputation as a healer spread quickly and attractedmany people, with "a great multitude of people" from all over thecountry (v. 17) now both following him and "trying to touch him" inorder that they too might be healed (v. 19).

The scene must have been chaotic and it is perhaps nocoincidence that just before this reading Luke's Gospel tells usthat Jesus had chosen 12 of his disciples to become apostles (Luke6:13). As the crowds following Jesus get bigger, and as hisreputation as a healer spreads more widely, Jesus would undoubtedlyneed some practical help in controlling the events that wereoccurring.

Jesus was clearly seen to be a man with a special power, whichflowed from him to those around him. However unlike many powerfulpeople who can become remote and separated from ordinary men andwomen, Jesus "came down to with them" (verse 17) and he met peopleat their level. Jesus stood alongside people in pain and suffering,and reached out to them in their distress, bringing a holistichealing that went much deeper than those in the crowd couldpossibly have imagined.

To Ponder

  • In what areas of your own life do you need healing? If you feelable to, talk to someone about this.
  • Jesus is often described as bringing healing to people whoseillness created a barrier between them and full engagement in theirsociety. What barriers need to be overcome in our society to bringhealing to all?
  • Pray for those with a healing ministry.  
Tuesday 12 March 2013
Thursday 14 March 2013