Wednesday 18 September 2013
- Bible Book:
- Matthew
Given the extraordinary names that Jesus has been given in theopening to Matthew's Gospel, it comes as a shock to read today'sverses. However exalted the Messiah, king and saviour of the worldis, Jesus needs to be taken by Mary and Joseph to Egypt as arefugee, in order to escape the Massacre of the Innocents thatHerod decrees. Jesus may be God's chosen one, but in his humanvulnerability needs the care and quick thinking of his parents inorder to survive.
Today's passage does not introduce any new names or ideasabout Jesus as such, but it reinforces Matthew's Gospel's emphasison the fulfilling of the Jewish Scriptures. The passage issignificant for the way it demonstrates that the hand of history isupon this little boy, as he is first taken to Egypt and thenreturns via Israel to settle further north in Nazareth, inGalilee. For Matthew the flight to Egypt is necessary if
Jesus was a leader with the hand of history upon him. The OldTestament was being fulfilled in him, in person.
To Ponder
- What refugee situations are on your heart at the moment? Pleaseremember them in your prayers.
- Strangers amongst us can bring great blessings. Is your churchor fellowship a place where 'outsiders' can find welcome,hospitality, and true sharing?