Wednesday 19 August 2015
“Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of possessions.” (v. 15)
Psalm: Psalm 71:1-14
These are uncomfortable words for those of us who live inprosperity. Building bigger barns is - metaphorically - atemptation we find hard to resist. In my case the barns often comein the form of extra bookshelves and more space for my CDcollection. But - and this is the point that Jesus makes to thecrowd - we become rich in 'stuff' at the expense of ourrelationship with God. Greed is not only immoral because it makesour desires more important than the basic needs of our fellow-humanbeings, it is also destructive of our character. Greed (the Greekword is 'pleonexia')is centred on avarice; once in its grip we willnever be satisfied by what we have but will go on lusting after abigger share.
Notice that the question posed to Jesus seems, on the face ofit, a fair one. Everyone wants to be treated fairly and to receivewhat is rightfully theirs. Religious teachers would be expected toarbitrate in family disputes. But Jesus' response is to a differentquestion, one that runs much deeper. That question is aboutpersonal identity and whether it is shaped by a relationship topossessions or a relationship to God.
To Ponder
- How would you describe your relationship to your possessions?How is that relationship challenged by the story Jesus tellshere?
- Which forms of greed do you find most tempting? How might youinvite Jesus to help you counter that temptation?