Wednesday 19 June 2024

"Yet know this: the Kingdom of God has come near." (v. 11)

Luke 10:1-12 Wednesday 19 June 2024

Psalm 145:1-9

It’s the present tense here that strikes me. Why has the kingdom of God come? Well, Jesus is physically with the disciples and there is an obvious embodiment of the kingdom in their midst. But there is a further dimension that prompts the statement. It’s the response and actions of the disciples. They aren’t passively listening to Jesus’ teaching and observing his actions. They are putting them into effect themselves. In pairs they are out and about showing and sharing the good news. They themselves have become part of the embodiment of God's kingdom.

All this reminds me that really nothing has changed. What we are reading here is our plan for today. We are to go to be with those around us, showing and sharing the gospel today. We are far from certain we will get a good welcome, and indifference is more likely the response. We often aren’t confident that we can make a difference but we go as Jesus’ followers, knowing his presence is with us. The kingdom of God has come near, and it's our privilege to experience this, live this out and help others discover just what this might be.

To Ponder:

  • How are you sharing the good news today?
  • Do we find it easier to show the gospel rather than speak about our faith?

Gracious God, renew within us the desire to reach others with your good news. Help us to focus on one or two people this week that through our prayers and actions they may discover something more of your love.

Bible notes author: The Revd Dr Stephen Skuce
Stephen is the Superintendent of the North Western District of The Methodist Church in Ireland.

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