Wednesday 21 December 2016
- Bible Book:
- Luke
“And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.” (v. 45)
Psalm: Psalm 25
As we noted
Once again you might look at for
Yet Elizabeth gives precedence to Mary, and sees herselffavoured that Mary, "the mother of my Lord" (v. 43) should come toher. The baby in her womb leaps for joy (verse 41), but also as asign that he, too, will give precedence to Mary's child.
In this joyful scene note how Elizabeth is filled with the HolySpirit and, as a prophet, speaks out her praise to God. However herjoy is not in her own situation. Her focus is entirely on Mary. Sheconcludes with a beatitude - blessed is the woman who believes thatGod will fulfil his promises to her.
To Ponder
- Reflect on the reasons for Elizabeth's humility as she welcomesMary.
- The passage ends with Elizabeth's beatitude for Mary, rejoicingthat she is blessed because she believes God's promise to her. Haveyou ever sensed that God has promised you something, and have youseen that promise fulfilled? Give thanks to God for that.