Wednesday 22 December 2010
"My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant." (vv. 46-48)
The Magnificat is the first of the canticles or songs of praisethat the Gospel writer Luke attributes to characters in theChristmas story. Like the Benedictus (
In each case they are presented as a personal response to aspecific event. Here with the Magnificat Mary responds toElizabeth's exclamation that she is blessed in being the one whowill bear the Messiah. And yet the words are a general enoughaffirmation of God's goodness that they can be used on manyoccasions to articulate our responses to God's word to us as wehear the Scriptures and allow them to speak into ourlives.
Mary's song has echoes of the song that Hannah sang (
Mary's song picks up from Hannah's song the theme of the exaltationof the lowly and the humiliation of the proud (common themes ofLuke's Gospel). This relates also to God's promise to redeem thepeople of Israel who were often downtrodden, oppressed and at thetime of Jesus' birth under Roman occupation. Yet there is perhapshere also an echo of Hannah's acceptance that the Lord who givesalso takes away. Mary knows that she is blessed; she rejoices inplaying her part in God's salvation and yet the time will come whenshe too will have to give up her son whose calling is also toserve.
To Ponder
Praise is always understood in the Bible as aresponse to God's character and actions. What makes you want topraise God?
Why do you think that praise is often bestexpressed in poetry or song?
It is easier to offer praise when we feel God isgiving us blessings than when it seems he is taking them away. Whatis the value of praising God at these times?