Wednesday 23 July 2014
- Bible Book:
- John
“Yet many in the crowd believed in him and were saying, ‘When the Messiah comes, will he do more signs than this man has done?’” (v. 31)
John chapter 7 is a complex admixtureof belief and unbelief. The chapter begins with a statement of theunbelief of Jesus' brothers (
The setting of the chapter is theFestival of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles, and the location isJudea rather than Galilee, where Jesus' ministry is well known andprobably well supported.
Given that it is the Festival ofBooths, there would have been many pilgrims from other parts of thecountry who gathered in Judea, and some of these may well have beendiaspora Jews from other parts of the world.
The crowds to whom Jesus later speakswould therefore have included a number who would never have met orheard about him, though it seems clear as number had at least heardof him by reputation.
The crowds are divided about Jesus.Some say he is a good man others thought he was a con-man (
It is clear that Jesus did not fitmany contemporary stereotypes and expectations of the Messiah, butthere were his miraculous signs and his exceptional teaching thatsimply could not easily be explained away by those who struggled tobelieve he was the Messiah.
There remain a number of people todaywho also struggle to believe in Jesus. Some are attracted to theactivity of the Church, and resonate with Christian responses toinjustice, poverty and social deprivation. Many enjoy something ofthe beauty of Christian liturgy and worship. Some deeply appreciateChristian schools, uniformed groups,
It seems to me that struggling withbelief in Jesus is an acceptable and honest place to be. Faithoften includes wrestling. Indeed secure faith comes not from placidacceptance, but from wrestling with difficult ideas and finding,eventually, a way of making some sense of it all.
That journey I think is captured wellin the key verse above. Though Jesus does not fit some Messianicstereotypes many in the crowd conclude that the Messiah when hecomes will not do more signs than Jesus has done. Put simply, eventhough it is difficult to believe there is no other reasonableconclusion: Jesus is Messiah.
To Ponder
- What are some of the elements of Christian faith that you findit hard to believe?
- How do we create safe spaces for wrestling with elements ofChristian faith?
- If it is true that secure faith is the result of wrestling,what steps should you take to avoid rushing to easy conclusionsabout challenging elements of Christian faith?