Wednesday 24 July 2024

“I have heard the complaining of the Israelites; say to them, ‘At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall have your fill of bread; then you shall know that I am the Lord your God.’” (v. 12)

Exodus 16:2-15 Wednesday 24 July 2024

Psalm 25:8-22

Today our reading covers the supernatural provision of quail and manna. We see a parallel to this story in Numbers chapter 11. We are told that 45 days after leaving Egypt the people complain. It's fair enough – any meagre supplies they had would have long been exhausted and in the harsh environment they find themselves in food was vital for survival. But we are not given this passage to learn the art of complaining or to see what pester power can achieve. After the offer of meat in the evening and bread in the morning we read “then you shall know that I am the Lord your God” (v. 12). The reason for this miraculous provision is not just about meeting the Israelites' physical need but about helping them see God, understand how God provides for them and to know something of God's person. We mirror this in the Lord’s Prayer when after our request to God to give us this day our daily bread, we assert "for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory…".

How we read this is important, not in how we understand the provision but how we live in God’s presence and providence. Aaron is called to gather the people together and the glory of God comes (v. 9). For us to flourish how often do we need to be called out of our daily lives to focus once more on God? (Every Sunday?) And how do we interpret and understand God’s activities and actions without pausing and reflecting together? At the height of their complaining the Israelites are called together and they see a manifestation of God. This is how they flourish.

To Ponder:

  • How do you view the activities of the divine for your life?
  • What is it that you need to enable you to flourish as a Christian?
  • "They looked towards the wilderness and saw God." (v. 10) Where do you look and how does God come to you?
  • Today you might find an opportunity to identify and tell others about how God enables you to flourish even in the midst of hardship.

Thank you, Lord, for all you provide for us. May this sustain us and enable us to flourish. Help us too to live within your providence and through it to proclaim your praise. In Jesus Christ, Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd David Newlove
David is Co-Superintendent in the North Cumbria Circuit. He is also an agricultural chaplain and he has been designated as the Mission Area Lead for Cumbria in the new North West England District.

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