Wednesday 25 September 2024

For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church? (v. 5)

1 Timothy 3:1-13 Wednesday 25 September 2024

Psalm 71:17-24

When we come to the passage set for today we might feel somewhat complacent, for here Paul seems to be speaking to those who have taken office in the Early Church and who have titles that set them apart from the general congregation or from those who are reading his words.

Paul has strong words about the lifestyle which comes with the office to which these people are called. He says bishops, deacons and even women should live perfect lives as an example to those who they are calling to come and be part of the early Christian Church.

If we only take the words as they are written and think that they only apply to those who hold office or have responsibility within the Church, I am afraid we are mistaken on two counts. First, those set aside for particular roles are still human with the same failings as everyone else. And second, everyone who is seeking to follow Jesus shares a responsibility to set a Christian example.

It is not an easy message to hear, and I think that it is highly unlikely that any of us who say we are Christian today can truly say that we live up to what is written. I am not at all sure that my children were "submissive and respectful in every way" (v. 4), and despite not being a drinker or being into violence, I have been known to have a quarrel from time to time. Despite giving to charity as I feel able, I don't give all my money away: I like to know that I have money in the bank to pay for the odd luxury from time to time.

The call to discipleship, which comes when we hear the call of Jesus, is a call to do our best to follow his commandments of love: first to love God but then to love our neighbours beyond ourselves. This means that sometimes we have to put our own desires on one side and seek to do what we are being called to do. Here we can perhaps agree with Paul’s words that we should do our best to live to a moral and ethical standard which can be an example to others, as we seek to build the kingdom of God on behalf of Christ.

To Ponder:

  • Do you feel the guidelines for ministry and for membership of the Church should be strengthened in line with Paul’s words?
  • Are there people who would offer themselves to become ministers or other church leaders who turn away because they feel they are not worthy?
  • What more can we do to draw people to faith despite the failures they have found within their lives, and how can we make them more welcome in church?

Lord, we ask that you help us to live up to the standards of love you set out. Give us your strength to serve you every day even when when we fall far away from perfection. We seek to live up to the same standards you set for your 12 disciples so long ago. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Pat Billsborrow
Pat came into ministry 37 years ago and she has been a supernumerary for 18 years. She is happy to continue serving wherever she is needed.

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