Wednesday 26 December 2007

Bible Book:

"And the twelve called together the whole community of the disciples and said, 'It is not right that we should neglect the word of God in order to wait at tables. Therefore, friends, select from among yourselves seven men of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, who we may appoint to this task, while we, for our part, will devote ourselves to prayer and to serving the word'". (v.2-4)

Acts 6:1-7 Wednesday 26 December 2007


This passage follows two chapters where we see the creation anddevelopment of the early Church in Jerusalem. Following theoutpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the early believers,led by the apostles, are creating the common practices for whichthe Church will be known from this point onwards.

Central to the identity and calling of the Church is the sense thatall believers are working for the common good in Christ. Thiscommon good includes the sharing of resources (Acts 4:32-37) andhere, in chapter 6, the sharing out of the work.

This passage has been seen by many as an important source ofauthority for the development of different orders of ministry inthe Church. The disciples seem to be suggesting that they have beengiven a role that is too important to be wasted on waiting ontables (v.2), so they encourage the community to identify a numberof other people who can undertake this role.

One of the unfortunate consequences of this text is the belief thatseemingly humble and menial roles are the preserve for some and notfor others. Many of us have been identified as the ones set apartto undertake the menial work, which is spared others who have beendestined for 'better things'.

This division of roles remains a contested one for many from morehumble and disadvantaged backgrounds. In what ways are we arecalled to serve Christ, and why does it appear that some people arenot destined to have to wait on tables? Didn't Jesus do that forhis own disciples at the last supper?

To Ponder

Do you feel there is an implicit hierarchy in howthe Church identifies roles and work to be done, in serving God?And if so, does this matter?

In what ways can the Church affirm the work ofall people as they attempt to serve God?

Tuesday 25 December 2007
Thursday 27 December 2007