Wednesday 26 September 2007

Bible Book:

"Those who mock the poor insult their Maker; those who are glad at calamity will not go unpunished." (v.5)

Proverbs 17:1-5 Wednesday 26 September 2007


The book of Proverbs is said to be written by Solomon; proverbsare 'wise words'. Often they are very practical and homely sayingsabout daily activities, but often they are shot through with asense of how our ordinary behaviour and speech are seen in thelight of God.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, spoke of three things whichindicate that we are made in the image of God:

God lives in relationship with creation, and so do we; in this waywe are like God. God is active in creation, as are we, and we areto be as responsible as God is in this activity. Thirdly, God iswhole (perfect) and we can be made whole through our goodrelationship with God, others and wider creation.

If we are all made to be like God, and made by God, then it makessense that if we insult others we insult God. If someone insultssomething I have made, then I feel the insult to be verypersonal.

Throughout the Bible we see and hear that God is passionate aboutinjustice: for example, in Exodus22:21-23 we read "I, the LORD, will answer [the oppressed]when they cry out to me for help." We also read in Mark 10:14 thatJesus says of children "The kingdom of God belongs to such asthese".

To Ponder

Have you ever made something which has beendisplayed for others to see or use? How would you have felt ifsomeone insulted what you had made?

When have you seen something 'of God' in anotherperson?

Why might it be that the Bible says it is easierto 'see' God in the oppressed?

Tuesday 25 September 2007
Thursday 27 September 2007