Wednesday 28 March 2012
- Bible Book:
- Romans
"If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and beleive in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (v. 9)
Paul is dealing with the question why his Jewish contemporarieshave not, by and large, responded to the message of Jesus in theway that Gentiles (non Jews) have. As always, he turns to the OldTestament for clues.
He does not question the special place the Jewish people have inGod's purposes ("to the Jew first and also to the Greek",
Interpreters are not agreed about what Paul means by "Christ is theend of the law" (v. 4). "End" could mean 'the fulfilment to whichthe law points'. If, on the other hand, he means that Christ hasabolished the law, it is only in the sense in which it ismisunderstood by his Jewish contemporaries. Certainly obedienceremains important. Faith itself is a form of it (verse 17), and
The reference to the resurrection in verse 9 is important for Paul.It is God's affirmation that Jesus, although crucified, is indeedGod's Messiah. It was that discovery on the Damascus Road (
Of course the message about Jesus has to be heard if there is to bea response. As verses 14 to 21 affirm, preachers have been sent,but not all who heard the message have responded.
To Ponder
How important is openly confessing the faith wehave?
How would you express the difference between'establishing our own righteousness' and 'submitting to God's'(verse 3)?
How important is it for you to believe in theresurrection of Jesus? Why?