Wednesday 28 September 2016
- Bible Book:
- Proverbs
“Who has ascended to heaven and come down? ... And what is the name of the person’s child? Surely you know!” (v. 4)
Psalm: Psalm 16
There are parallels here with the dramatic questions in
Unusually for a wisdom text, the speaker begins by declaring hisown stupidity. He goes on to ask a series of rhetorical questionsthat highlight human limitations and the awesome power of God.These words, recorded hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus,carry particular resonance for Christian readers: when asked "Whohas ascended to heaven and come down? ... And what is the name ofthe person's child?" (v. 4) we cannot help but think of Jesus, theSon of God, "
Verses 7-9 contain the only prayer in Proverbs. There areparallels with the
To Ponder
- How do you feel about asking God to 'feed you with the foodthat you need'? When asking God (in the Lord's Prayer) to "give ustoday our daily bread" are we talking about our spiritual needs, orour everyday practical needs, or both?
- Do you think it is easier to pray 'your will, not mine, bedone' in situations where you have 'all things' or where you have'nothing'?