Wednesday 29 January 2014
- Bible Book:
- Romans
Paul starts to spell out the implications ofGod's gospel (good news of Christ). The implicit question Paul istrying to answer is this: What are the outcomes when the holy Godfreely and gladly fills the heart of Jesus with divine life, to putright human relationships with God?
First, the gospel exposes the darkness andwickedness of human existence with unparalleled clarity. In itslight there seems to be no limit to human depravity and immorality(verses 26-31). The holy God must show passionate anger when humanwellbeing is destroyed by every wicked thing we do or with which wecollude (verse 18).
Second, the gospel unveils a story about thecauses of human wickedness. God's creative love establishes humanbeings with a life of their own and the freedom to make significantspiritual and moral choices. In order to flourish, we must chooseto make our way through the world in partnership with the invisibleGod, supported and guided by God's love and care. God is within usand close to us in every circumstance of life. God can be discernedin and through everything and everyone in God's creation.
We humans, however, are besotted with what we cansee and touch, hear, taste and smell. We are spiritually lazy andrefuse to seek for God's presence through and beyond our sensoryexperience. Some consequences follow:
- We exalt things of our own making to be as fascinating asliving creatures in the natural world.
- The intuition to adore what is beautiful inspires us to worshippeople, natural objects and things we have made - but not toworship God ('idolatry'). We cut ourselves off from God.
- The powerful desires in our hearts, no longer disciplined andinfluenced by God's love, go crazy. We are irresistibly drawn intoa cesspit of death-dealing behaviour (even if our heads tell uswhat the consequences will be).
But that is not the full story! Read on.
To Ponder
- Spotting signs of God's amazing grace in the face of everyonewe meet is difficult. Who or what helps you to 'wait and watch' forsuch glimpses of God's glory?
- Our culture majors on images, fashion, delectable food,lighting effects and many sounds. In what settings do you findspace for spiritual reflection?
- When trust is betrayed or people behave atrociously towardsyou, what most helps you to respond in a Christ-like way?