Wednesday 30 November 2022
- Bible Book:
- John
When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, 'What are you looking for?' (v. 38)
Something about Jesus meant that John recognised him not just his cousin, but as 'the Lamb of God.' (v. 36). We wonder what the early followers of John wanted to see in Jesus, and what exactly they saw that meant they became disciples.
One of John’s followers was Andrew and 30 November each year is designated St Andrew’s Day. So, let’s move forward seven centuries from readings from the book of Isaiah this week, to the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy about Immanuel (God with us). Andrew is clearly in no doubt that Jesus is the Messiah and, apparently without hesitation, informs his brother, Simon Peter. This is one of three key references about Andrew in the gospels. The second mention of him is in John’s account of Jesus feeding the 5000 in John 6; it is Andrew who introduces the boy with his barley loaves and fish to Jesus. The third mention of Andrew is also found in John’s Gospel, (12:20-22), where Andrew introduces some Greeks who ask 'to see Jesus'.
These three references to Andrew are linked by one theme. Andrew had the ability to sensitively introduce people to Jesus. For this reason, he is associated with missionary activity throughout the world, being able to bring people of different ages and backgrounds to 'see Jesus'. Such encouraging people are invaluable in their ability to accompany others to the point where they meet the Risen Lord, the Light of the World. In each of our own lives, we will have reason to give thanks to the ‘Andrews’ who have enabled us to see Jesus more clearly.
Despite only having met Jesus briefly, those early disciples had little doubt that Jesus was the expected Messiah. I imagine Jesus must have had some kind of aura that these Galilean fishermen were so willing to give up their livelihoods and home comforts to follow him. We wonder what it was that linked Jesus so obviously to prophets such as Isaiah, who foretold the Messiah’s arrival all those centuries before. And what excitement there still is in the 21st century when we become aware of Jesus’ presence with us as Immanuel, and enjoy the riches of the enlightenment that he brings. We can't be truly happy with anything less.
To Ponder:
- Call to mind the individuals who have encouraged you to seek Jesus over the years; people who have enabled you to see the light when it mattered most. Simply, thank God for them.
- Read or listen to the hymn for today 'Called by Christ to be disciples'. Singing the Faith (660).
Dear God, may we be like Andrew in sharing friendship and hospitality, and your kingdom of justice, love and peace. May our country become a community in which everyone matters, where every individual is assured of a welcome, where different gifts and talents are acknowledged and used well. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.