Wednesday 30 September 2015
- Bible Book:
- Genesis
“Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” (v. 15)
Psalm: Psalm 100
Jacob's deception in
Once again, this seems odd to us, knowing the misdemeanours ofJacob's past. But what the Bible is keen to tell us is that 'Godbeing with us' is nothing to do with our righteousness orfaithfulness - rather it is confirmation of the righteousness andfaithfulness of God. If we are committed to God's plans and hiscovenant family, then God will not easily leave us or forsake us,though we might often fail. Assured of God's presence, Jacobresponds by renewing his own personal covenant with the Lord: toconfess that this is God, to worship, and to tithe.
To Ponder
- When have you felt assured that God was 'with you'?
- What do you make of the angels ascending and descending on theheavenly escalator? Do you dare to imagine that God has armies ofangels, unseen but very-much involved with the workings of thisworld?
- Jacob awoke and committed himself anew to God. How do yourespond to God's grace in your life?