Wednesday 31 December 2008

Bible Book:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (v.1)

John 1:1-18 Wednesday 31 December 2008


Today we turn to the opening piece of John's Gospel. It is thefirst of three parts that speak of the witness of John the Baptist- 1:1-18;1:19-28 and 1:29-34. The next three describe days when Jesus isjoined by new disciples - 1:35-42; 1:43-51 and2:1-11. These six parts take us to the middle point of theopening section.

Today's passage is the key reading to this week's theme 'LoveIncarnate' (where 'incarnate' is from the Latin 'in carne', meaning'in flesh'). It speaks of the Life and Light of God that was cominginto the world as the Word became flesh. Jesus Christ makes theFather known.

Strictly speaking of course, it is 'the Word' (meaning Jesus), not'love' here, that is incarnate. It was Jesus who came to earth as ahuman being. Love is not a word that we find in this openingpassage. Jesus is rather to be known for the 'grace' and 'truth'that are at work in him (verse 15).

To Ponder

Where then is the 'love'? From what you know ofthe New Testament stories, from the Gospel of John or beyond, howwas love illustrated in Jesus' life?

Jesus' new commandment was to "love another, justas I have loved you" (John 13:34). Jesus intended his community tobe identified in the world by such love. What does the Church needto do today to fulfil Jesus' intention?

Tuesday 30 December 2008
Thursday 01 January 2009