Wednesday 4 September 2024

They said to Joshua, "Truly the Lord has given all the land into our hands; moreover all the inhabitants of the land melt in fear before us." (v. 24)

Joshua 2:15-24 Wednesday 4 September 2024

Psalm 51

In the early part of this story about two of Joshua’s men reconnoitring the land and the city of Jericho in advance of Israel’s invasion, Rahab has declared herself to be on the side of Israel’s God, and has sheltered them and lied to the authorities about their whereabouts. Believing them, therefore, to have left Jericho the king’s men were searching the countryside. So we now discover how, despite the city gates being shut (v. 7), Rahab enabled the spies to get away, also advising them to hide for a period in the hill country since the pursuers would assume they were taking the direct valley route from Jericho to Shittim where Israel was encamped (v. 1).

In the earlier part of the chapter, a verbal agreement was reached that Israel would spare Rahab’s family when the invasion came in return for the hospitality and help she had afforded the spies. Much of today’s passage concerns the conditions on both sides of this deal, and particularly focuses on the crimson cord (vs 18, 21) which Rahab must tie in her window within the city wall to identify her house.

The report that the spies make to Joshua in verse 24 is one purely based on the testimony of Rahab. They had not attempted to organise a network of collaborators within Jericho nor had they compared Rahab’s assessment of Israel’s chances with anyone else’s. Rather the faith of this one woman has rubbed off on them and in her words (from verse 9) they declare confidently the impending victory.

To Ponder:

  • Given the tone of chapter 1, where God tells Joshua and the people to take the land, this whole chapter might be viewed as representing a loss of faith by the people. They feel they needed some underhand preparatory work, in strong contrast with the Canaanite Rahab who shows secure faith. How do you respond to this suggestion?
  • Are oaths necessary or helpful in our dealings with others?
  • Rahab used a crimson cord to affirm her allegiance to Israel’s God. Do you use any symbols of faith to indicate to others your allegiance to Christ?

Lord, enable me to value rituals and practices that help me to focus on you, without ever letting them become a substitute for loving your word and loving other people in ways that ensure I grow in true holiness. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Dr Stephen Mosedale
Stephen is a retired Methodist minister living near Exeter. He served in West Africa and Scotland and was a New Testament tutor at Cliff College.

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