Wednesday 5 June 2024

When she got up to glean, Boaz instructed his young men, “Let her glean even among the standing sheaves, and do not reproach her.” (v. 15)

Ruth 2:14-23 Wednesday 5 June 2024

Psalm 93

Today’s reading continues Ruth’s story from yesterday. She and her mother-in-law Naomi, who are now both widows, have travelled from Moab to Bethlehem. Boaz, who lives there, was related to Naomi and in today’s passage Ruth is gleaning (picking up left-over grain after it has been harvested) in Boaz’s fields so she can feed herself and Naomi.

In a world without state assistance or food banks, gleaning served as a safety net for the poor and farmers from the time of Leviticus (19.9) were instructed not to reap the whole harvest, but to leave some ears of corn behind.

Boaz is impressed by Ruth’s diligence in caring for her mother-in-law and her courage in leaving her homeland of Moab. (v. 11) He says may she find a reward from the God of Israel under whose wings she is taking refuge. (v. 12) He himself takes Ruth under his protection, giving her bread (v. 14) and instructing his servants to deliberately leave some extra grain for her to glean, such that at the end of the day she manages to take home to Naomi an ‘ephah' of barley (thought to be around 15kg). It was a substantial amount.

Throughout the Bible we see God blessing individuals and working through others so that abundance may be shared. Ephesians 3:20 talks about the power of God within us at work so that we might accomplish far more than we might imagine. In today’s world, how might God inspire you to be generous and make space for others’ needs? On an individual level, it could include donating to food banks, or volunteering in your spare time. Businesses might be inspired to share their largesse by employing people from marginalised groups in society, or by offering office space and other help to charitable enterprises.

To Ponder:

  • Ruth accepts Boaz’ invitation to dine at his table and is aware that he has asked his workers to leave some grain for her to glean. How might you feel in her position? Would you accept his generosity graciously or feel uneasy in his debt?
  • In Ruth 1:13 widowed Naomi says “the hand of the Lord has turned against me.” But now, her loyal daughter-in-law, Ruth, who has come with her to Judah, returns from the fields with an abundance of food. So did the Lord really abandon Naomi? Reflect on a time when God took care of your needs despite low expectations.
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