Hymn suggestions for Sunday 18 August


20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings are laid out as for the continuous form of the lectionary. Alternative related readings (OT and psalm only) are below. Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading

23 August is the UNESCO International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

Other resources and links (including hymn suggestions) that may be valuable to you if reflecting this theme in worship can be found at Wesley, Wilberforce and the battle against slavery. Also see John Campbell’s hymn Cry, ‘I can’t breathe!’.

John Campbell writes of the repeated phrase “I can’t breathe!”: “The words of George Floyd (and others who died pinned down by police) have become a rallying cry for much wider issues of injustice. This song seeks to invite Christians to share the cry and join the struggle.”

To consider modern-day manifestations of slavery, useful starting points are:

Modern Slavery (Gov.UK)
Anti-slavery international
The novel Hearts and Minds by Amanda Craig (longlisted for the 2009 Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction)

1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart (StF 545)
God of grace and God of glory (StF 682)
Happy are they who find the grace (StF 500)
May the mind of Christ my Saviour (StF 504)

Psalm 111

Hymn echoing the psalmist’s theme

I sing the almighty power of God (StF 107)
Immortal, invisible, God only wise (StF 55)
Jesus, lover of my soul (StF 355)
Our God is an awesome God (StF 62)

Ephesians 5: 15-20

Angel voices ever singing (StF 39)
Baptise us with your Spirit (StF 369)
Breathe on me, Breath of God (StF 370)
For the music of creation (StF 74)
Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King (StF 77)
Give thanks with a grateful heart (StF 78)
Jesus is the name we honour (StF 354)
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder (StF 82)
Sing of the Lord’s goodness, father of all wisdom (StF 65)
When, in our music, God is glorified (StF 731)
When morning gilds the skies (StF 368)
Worship God with the morning sunrise (StF 68)

John 6: 51-58

Be known to us in breaking bread (StF 573)
Bread is blessed and broken (StF 576)
Bread of life, hope of the world (StF 577)
Bread of life, Truth Eternal (StF 578)
Come, Holy Ghost, your influence shed (StF 579)
Eat this bread and never hunger (StF 582)
Eat this bread and drink this cup (StF 583) the verses could be sung by a cantor or group
I am the bread, the bread of life (StF 587)

Alternative related readings

Proverbs 9: 1-6

Come, sinners, to the Gospel feast (StF 401)
Happy are they who find the grace (StF 500)
I come with joy, a child of God (StF 588)
The trumpets sound, the angels sing (StF 35)

Psalm 34: 9-14

Hymn echoing the psalmist’s theme

Glory to God, glory to God (StF 752)
Glory to God, glory to God (StF 753) the chant could be sung with a cantor after the reading
Glory, glory, glory in the highest (StF 754)
In the Lord I'll be ever thankful (StF 776)
Through all the changing scenes of life (StF 638)

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